Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy - Dan Berger, Stony Brook, NY
Individual therapy is a process of having a one-on-one session between a therapist and client. Individuals may seek therapy for a number of different reasons. I am committed to help you be in charge of your feelings, rather than your feelings be in charge.
  • Between a therapist and client
  • Therapy goals are largely determined by the client
  • My focus is to put you in charge of your feelings, rather than your feelings be in charge
  • Time frame is decided by my client with input from me

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy | Dan Berger Therapy in Stony Brook, NY
Individual therapy is a process of having a one-on-one session between a therapist and client. Individuals may seek therapy for a number of different reasons. I am committed to help you be in charge of your feelings, rather than your feelings be in charge.

  • Between a therapist and client
  • Therapy goals are largely determined by the client
  • My focus is to put you in charge of your feelings, rather than your feelings be in charge
  • Time frame is decided by my client with input from me


Couples therapy is a process to treat and eliminate unwanted stress for both individuals in a relationship. Therapy sessions help with sharing and listening to one another, with the help of a non-partial party. Couples may seek therapy for a number of reasons.
  • Intent is to reduce stress between a couple
  • Focus is on the relationship not the individuals
  • A key goal is to determine how each individual in a relationship contributes to the problem(s)
  • All information is shared with the couple. No secrets
  • Reasons for seeking help are vary and depend on the couple
Couples Therapy - Dan Berger, Stony Brook, NY


Couples Therapy
Couples therapy is a process to treat and eliminate unwanted stress for both individuals in a relationship. Therapy sessions help with sharing and listening to one another, with the help of a non-partial party. Couples may seek therapy for a number of reasons.

  • Intent is to reduce stress between a couple
  • Focus is on the relationship not the individuals
  • A key goal is to determine how each individual in a relationship contributes to the problem(s)
  • All information is shared with the couple. No secrets
  • Reasons for seeking help are vary and depend on the couple


Executive Therapy for Managers or Business Owners
Executive therapy is therapy for managers and business owners. An Executive, a manager and/or business owner often has his or her own unique challenges and resultant psycho-social stressors at work and home. Being an effective agent of change to such an individual requires skills and knowledge in both business and personal domains. The therapist must understand life at work and life at home and how the two can interact. 

  • A specialized approach designed for managers and business owners
  • Helps deal with specific challenges of work vs home life
  • Professional knowledge of business and home life is required on part of the Psychologist
  • Helps patient transition from one milieu to the other
  • At work person is in charge. At home collaboration is required


A key issue is transitioning from work to home. At work he or she is in charge and must often make quick decisions on key matters. At work one is often well respected and looked up to. At home the individual is more a partner and has to patiently collaborate and work with the family rather than authoritatively and decisively run the family.

Stressors at work are often broad based and different than for other individuals. In addition to dealing with the financial, marketing and sales issues much time is often spent on dealing with the interpersonal issues of employees, colleagues and immediate supervisors which might include a board of directors and a business team. A major part of these challenges require dealing with the interpersonal issues at work as well as his or her own interpersonal reactions. The result can be a work based psychological mine field.

On the home front he or she must now be a significant other, parent and sometimes an adult child to an aging parent. In some work settings work and home issuers are blended such as in family owned businesses or when family members are employed , which can further complicate a person's life.

Having a dual back ground as a therapist and a corporate consultant I can help you achieve integration of and appropriately address issues in either or both domains. It should be noted that my emphasis here is on personal growth using my training and experience in industrial and organizational psychology, as well as psychoanalysis.
Coaching is a business based activity usually involving input from a supervisor, co-workers and employees as part of the coaching process. The intent is to improve a person's functioning in a business setting. Historically coaching was directed at problem employees. More recently it is often done as part of a personal growth and development program for employees with promise and potential. Since coaching is often requested by a supervisor and paid for by the company and on going reports are fed back to the supervisor by the coach on a regular basis. No such formal feed back is given in Executive Therapy. Everything is kept confidential and all input comes strictly from the individual involved.

The key similarity is that both Therapy and Coaching can involve personal growth and development in the business setting.

Questions that can be addressed in Executive Therapy

1. How do I balance home and work?

2. How do get my significant other to understand me better?

3. How do I get my boss to understand me better?

4. How do I get my children to appreciate me and my work?

5. How do I deal with difficult employees, co workers or bosses?

6. How do I become more confident in work settings?

Here Are Some FAQ'S

1. What will occur in my first session?
A. The purpose of the first session is two-fold: to gather as much information as I can and also as an initial opportunity for us to get to know each other and the possibility of working together. The intake process can take another session or two.
2. When can I expect feedback?
A. Although I can provide preliminary feedback after the first session, I prefer to wait for 3 to 5 sessions at which point I will have a much stronger sense of the issues involved and I can therefore provide better feedback.
3. How long will therapy take?
A. After 10 to 12 sessions we should have an idea of some progress and can plan accordingly. We will then review goals and if warranted set new ones. The short answer to the question is a few months to a few years. 
4. How often will I need to come in? 
A. Generally, I see people weekly. In some cases twice a week if both of us agree that would be helpful. After a while and/or at the end I typically see people every other week.
5. Do you accept insurance? 
A. Regrettably I do not. However many insurance companies have out of network benefits that, after a deductible amount, cover most of my fee. The New York State Health Insurance Plan (NYSHIP) that covers most teachers and all State Employees is one such plan. I also have a billing person that will submit insurance claims weekly to expedite payments. 


Executive Therapy - Dan Berger, Stony Brook, NY
Executive therapy is therapy for managers and business owners. An Executive, a manager and/or business owner often has his or her own unique challenges and resultant psycho-social stressors at work and home. Being an effective agent of change to such an individual requires skills and knowledge in both business and personal domains. The therapist must understand life at work and life at home and how the two can interact. A key issue is transitioning from work to home. At work he or she is in charge and must often make quick decisions on key matters.
  • A specialized approach designed for managers and business owners
  • Helps deal with specific challenges of work vs home life
  • Professional knowledge of business and home life is required on part of the Psychologist
  • Helps patient transition from one milieu to the other
  • At work person is in charge. At home collaboration is required
At work one is often well respected and looked up to. At home the individual is more a partner and has to patiently collaborate and work with the family rather than authoritatively and decisively run the family.

Stressors at work are often broad based and different than for other individuals. In addition to dealing with the financial, marketing and sales issues much time is often spent on dealing with the interpersonal issues of employees, colleagues and immediate supervisors which might include a board of directors and a business team. A major part of these challenges require dealing with the interpersonal issues at work as well as his or her own interpersonal reactions. The result can be a work based psychological mine field.

On the home front he or she must now be a significant other, parent and sometimes an adult child to an aging parent. In some work settings work and home issuers are blended such as in family owned businesses or when family members are employed , which can further complicate a person's life.

Having a dual back ground as a therapist and a corporate consultant I can help you achieve integration of and appropriately address issues in either or both domains. It should be noted that my emphasis here is on personal growth using my training and experience in industrial and organizational psychology, as well as psychoanalysis. 

    Coaching is a business based activity usually involving input from a supervisor, co-workers and employees as part of the coaching process. The intent is to improve a person's functioning in a business setting. Historically coaching was directed at problem employees. More recently it is often done as part of a personal growth and development program for employees with promise and potential.  Since coaching is often requested by a supervisor and paid for by the company and on going reports are fed back to the supervisor by the coach on a regular basis. No such formal feed back is given in Executive Therapy. Everything is kept confidential and all input comes strictly from the individual involved.

    The key similarity is that both Therapy and Coaching can involve personal growth and development in the business setting.

    Questions that can be addressed in Executive Therapy

    1. How do I balance home and work?

    2. How do get my significant other to understand me better?

    3. How do I get my boss to understand me better?

    4. How do I get my children to appreciate me and my work?

    5. How do I deal with difficult employees, co workers or bosses?

    6. How do I become more confident in work settings?

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